The Last of Us – Remains of a Controversy

The Last of Us is a Sony Playstation game developed by Naughty Dog, and it is all owned by them. If you have not played the game yet… Then you should!

This is a free to read fan-comic which I made in order to express my love for The Last of Us. In other words, it’s just for the fun of it. I recommend playing the official game, the DLC Left Behind, and reading the official comic The Last of Us – American Dreams before reading this fan-comic. This story takes place after American Dreams, and before the DLC Left Behind.

When I first started creating this comic (2016), it was the first thing I had drawn in a LONG time, so a lot of rust was shaken off during the making of this one. But I also went and improved a lot during the process, which (in my eyes at least) becomes pretty darn evident as you read through it. It makes me cringe whenever I look back at it today though… But this little piece of fanfiction has, and will always have, a special place in my heart. It’s my first comic after all!

Also, it’s drawn the good old traditional way, with pencils and ink.
